Using your website's search facility I have attempted, without success, to locate your 'resolvability assessment framework public disclosure' document, which all major UK banks are now required by law to publish. Please would you either send me a copy or provide a download link. Please also take the necessary steps to ensure that this important document is made readily accessible to members of the public, and notify me when this has been done. Background The Bank of England's website contains a page entitled 'The Bank of England's approach to resolution' ( The linked PDF contains the following statement: - "In the interests of transparency, the Bank will publish summaries of major UK firms’ resolution plans and its assessment of their effectiveness from 2019." A further page entitled 'Resolvability assessment of major UK banks: 2022' (, contains the following statements: - "The eight major UK banks in scope of RAF reporting, whose disclosures should be read alongside the Bank’s assessment are: Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group, Nationwide, NatWest, Santander UK, Standard Chartered and Virgin Money UK. Please refer to the banks’ own websites in order to locate these disclosures." - "Major UK banks will need to address the outstanding actions identified as part of the Bank’s assessment. They will need to keep their preparations ready and tested over time, and be confident in their use should the need arise. For this reason the Bank [of England], as resolution authority, and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) have made resolvability a continuing obligation for banks and require them to publish their own summaries of their preparations for resolution."