Who Owns UK Government Debt? ---------------------------- Consisting of bonds, gilts and treasury bills From https://www.economicshelp.org/blog/1407/economics/who-owns-government-debt/ Overseas investors 27% (e.g. American investment trusts/Japanese banks) Bank of England (QE) 23% Asset Purchase Scheme, i.e., buying gilts from the private sector (On 2nd November 2017, The Bank of England has bought £495bn worth of UK gilts) UK Private Sector 50% consisting of: Insurance/Pension Funds 28% Banks/BldngSocs/FinInst 17% Households 5% When the Bank of England buys gilts from the private sector: - the sellers have an increase in cash reserves, hopefully encouraging them to lend to businesses, thus stimulating economic growth. - does it receive interest payments from the Government? - increases market bond price, thus reducing interest rates, thus stimulating economic growth.